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Paolo Soprani Accordions Asia Superstore

This is one of those stories destined to not only change the life of one man, but also of one town, one country.
What happened in 1863 seems to be a legend, but was in fact a reality, important enough to start an industry that would become famous all over the world: the accordion industry.
An Austrian pilgrim returning home from a visit to the Loreto sanctuary asked for hospitality for the night at a farmhouse near Castelfidardo. After having been refreshed, he sat down near the fireside and started to play a strange ''box''. This was the house of Antonio and Lucia Soprani and their sons. One son, Paolo, was interested in this musical box which was in fact a copy of the ''accordeon'' patented in 1829 by Mr. Demian of Vienna.
Many different stories tell of how Paolo obtained this box: some say that during the night, the young Paolo woke up to study all the secrets of the box. The important thing is that, from this little box and Paolo’s intelligence, after a few years the accordion industry would be born in Castelfidardo.
In 1864 Paolo opened a little workshop inside his home, with the help of his brothers; after some years, he moved to a bigger house, engaging some workers. The first ''armoniche'' produced were sold in fairs and markets of nearby towns. In Loreto there were always a lot of pilgrims, religious visitors and dealers. Paolo went there to exhibit his accordion an he also became a good player.
In 1872 he moved to the centre of Castelfidardo and opened a factory in the Piazza Garibaldi. His instruments had immediate success, especially in the country where the farmers danced to popular songs. Quickly the popularity grew and requests came from other european countries like France. At the end of the 19th century the ''armonica'' started to be exported to other continents, for example the USA, where a lot of Italian people had emigrated and the sound of the ''armonica'' eased their homesickness. To supply the increasing number of orders he needed to find a bigger place and more workers, to organise the phases of production in a better way and create a commercial office. For this reason Paolo with his sons Luigi and Achille opened a new factory in Castelfidardo where about 400 people worked.
In 1900 the company had a big success in a fair in Paris; Paolo became a member of the academy of inventors of Bruxelles and Paris and met the President of France. He continued to work in his factory until he was 70 years old, when his two sons took over. He died in his house on 20th February 1918, when he was 73 years old.

一位奥地利朝圣者从洛雷托避难所回家途中,在Castelfidardo的一户农家借宿了一夜。梳洗过后,他坐在火边开始演奏一个奇怪的“盒子”。这户农家就是AntonioLucia Soprani以及他们儿子的家。其中一个儿子Paolo对这个音乐盒子很感兴趣,实际上这个盒子就是维也纳的Demian先生在1829年注册了专利的“accordeon(手风琴)”。

1872年他搬到了Castelfidardo的中心,并在Piazza Garibaldi开了一家工厂。他的乐器立刻获得了成功,特别是在乡下,农民们喜欢跟着流行音乐跳舞。很快像法国这样的欧洲其他国家纷纷听说了,并发来订单。到了19世纪末,他的“armonica”已经开始出口到其他大洲了。在美国有很多意大利移民,他们说“armonica”的声音可以缓解乡愁。为了跟上生产速度,他需要找一个更大的地方, 雇更多工人,以便更好地组织生产,成立销售办公室。Paolo和他的儿子LuigiAchilleCastelfidardo开了一个新工厂,有将近400名员工在那里工作。1900年,他的公司在巴黎的一次展会上获得了巨大的成功;Paolo成为了布鲁塞尔和巴黎发明家协会的一员,受到了法国总统的接见。他在自己的工厂里一直工作到70岁,然后他的两个儿子接管了公司。他于1918220日在家里去世,享年73岁。

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