Accordion Asia Super Store is not a public store in order
to reduce our cost and give you lower prices visits are only by appointment.
Address: Area A, 4th floor, #10 of Ai-De Air Industry Park, Gao Qi South 12th Road, Xiamen, Fujian 361006, China
Telephone: (86) 592-602-3169
From the cross road of Jinshang Road and the airport, drive along Fangzhong Road towards Jimei Bridge for 1 kilometer. Turn left at the first traffic light, then drive for about 80 meters. The industry park is on the right side. Turn right to drive in the industry park, then go straight to the end.
Click for Map
地址: 福建省厦门市湖里区高崎南十二路艾德航空工业园十号楼四楼A区 电话: (86) 592-602-3169
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